Monday, May 11, 2009

A Virtual Boyfriend

About two months ago I logged into Facebook and was alerted that my good friend we'll call "Alice," was tagged in some photos. I clicked on one of the photos and started scrolling through them, when I saw a man in many of the photos that made my mouth drop open." I thought to myself "oh my god, who is thaaaaaat?!" Let me just put it this way: the man was DAMN FIIIIINE. Seriously, like the sexiest, angel-faced man I have ever seen. The kind of man I would not be able to stop staring at if I saw him in person. The kind of man I would pick out in a lineup of hundreds of good-looking men.

So the next time I saw Alice I asked her who was that and why had we not been introduced.

"Oh, that's my boyfriend's best friend. Yeah, he's hot," Alice answered.

"Uh, yeah," I said. "I'd like to meet him please."

"Honestly," Alice started to say "I think you guys would really like each other but he has a girlfriend and they're about to move out of state together. The going away party is next week."

"Oh," I say. "Figures. Well, I doubt that'll work out for them," I joked.

Then Alice gave me the scoop. "You know, I think the same thing," she said. "No one likes her. She's a mega bitch. I don't even think HE likes her!"

I told her that I thought that was sad, but left it at that. I mean, of course he had a girlfriend. A man like that probably rarely finds himself single.

Over the next few weeks Alice and I joked about the man I was "in love with at first sight," when one day she said, "dude, you're not going to believe this but [redacted] called my boyfriend last night and said he was miserable, told the girlfriend he doesn't love her anymore and they're breaking up."

"!!!!!!!!!!!!" was my reaction.

I guess Alice's boyfriend had told [redacted] about me and a few days later I got an e-mail from him!!!

We started a sort of penpal relationship that began with an e-mail back and forth every day. Eventually I gave him my phone number and we started texting. And then one day he called me. I surprised at how easy it was to talk to him. We talk, text or e-mail every day, and sometimes all three. And a week from today he's coming back into town to see me! My guess is that if the chemistry is there in person, he will consider moving back to the NW.

Thoughts that have gone through my head:

1. Wow, this is a lot of pressure.

2. I hope he's not disappointed.

3. Am I good looking enough for him?

4. What if one of us just isn't feeling it?

Keep reading for updates a plenty!

1 comment:

  1. oooo sounds exciting. I've got a similar story that I wish I already had a blog about so I could share it with you... won't show up for a couple weeks though.

    any consolation, my situation went swimmingly - magical and everything. Good luck with yours! I'll for sure check back in to see what happens.



Have at it!