Have you ever perused the personal ads on Craigslist? If you're one of the minority who hasn't, I highly recommend it. Just for entertainment purposes alone. Sometimes, late at night, if there's nothing to watch on t.v., I'll browse the men seeking women. I love seeing titles like "R U Asian?" or "Seeking Mother/Son relationship." I'm not sure if I'm only doing it to make fun of them, or if a small part of me thinks I might actually see someone I'm interested in. I've never felt like I wanted to respond to anyone. However, I do personally know someone who met her fiance via Craigslist.
But last night I was perusing and saw an ad by someone I thought was seriously hilarious. And not hilarious in an I only want to make fun of you kind of way. Hilarious in a, you're my type of guy, way. Now, I am first and foremost looking for a funny man. Self-deprecating, witty humor is probably #1 on my list. I like a person who is outgoing, not afraid of a little humiliation, willing to take a risk. Those qualities honestly trump looks. Looks are important, but only take you so far. Women are much more likely to fall in love with someone based on personality and grow attracted to a man over time, whereas men don't usually have that quality. It's all about looks up front. Then they may or may not like your personality/humor and take action from there. I'm not sure if women are blessed by this ability or cursed.
Anyway, back to the ad. His pictures weren't bad. I mean, would I pick him out of a line up of hot guys? I'm not sure. But he was definitely not bad looking. I'm not really sure I even *want* to meet someone this way, but I decided to sleep on it.
I just hit the send button on my e-mail response to him. I've never met someone over CL and it seems kind of gross. Like, I always think they must be the type of person who's ALWAYS looking for something. Never satisfied with what they have.
But we will see. You can bet that I'll be blogging about whatever happens next...if anything...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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